
Prince Harry appoints private secretary

Prince Harry has appointed his first private secretary, Edward Lane Fox, a former captain in the Household Cavalry.

Prince Harry has appointed his first private secretary.

The British royal is said to have been involved in the interview process, which has led to the appointment of Edward Lane Fox, a former captain in the Household Cavalry.

Edward has a chequered military history, joining the Blues and Royals in 2000 and serving in both Bosnia and Iraq. He worked his way to the rank of captain before leaving in 2006, when he became a freelance photographer and journalist.

Edward then moved to financial communications firm RLM Finsbury, where he was a senior associate, before winning his latest post, which he will take up in June, just as Harry returns from an official tour of the US.

The appointment of Edward is part of a reshuffle of royal advisors which has seen Harry, his brother William, and the Duchess of Cambridge all get their own private secretary, highlighting the growing number of public duties they each have.

All three royals were previously represented by Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, who stays on in a more senior role as principle private secretary and equerry to the young royals.

A spokesman for St James’s Palace confirmed Edward and Harry have met on occasion and both been involved with the Burnaby Blue Foundation, a charity which has worked in Lesotho with the Prince’s charity, Sentebale.