
Prince Harry hosts Invictus Games party

Prince Harry threw a party to welcome the wounded servicemen and women to the UK ahead of the opening ceremony in London yesterday.

Britain’s Prince Harry hosted a party in celebration of the Invictus Games yesterday (09.10.14).

The 29-year-old royal, who turns 30 next week, threw a bash to welcome the wounded servicemen and women to the UK ahead of the opening ceremony of the four-day international sporting event in London.

The flame-haired hunk thanked the competitors from the 13 different countries for embracing the games ”so enthusiastically,” while the US’ President Barack Obama praised them for their determination.

He said in a pre-recorded message: ”I know it’s going to be a fiercely competitive few days but the truth is that everyone of you in these games, every service member and veteran, has already earned our highest admiration and our deepest gratitude.

”When your countries asked you to serve, to risk everything to protect our safety and our freedom, you and your families answered the call and just as you inspire us with your courage on the battlefield, your grit and resilience when you take the playing field, your incomparable souls inspire us today.”

More than 400 competitors from Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Italy, Georgia, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the US and the UK, will compete in nine adaptive sports at the Olympic Park and Lee Valley Athletics Centre in London until Sunday 14.