
Prince Harry supports Queen at parade

Britain’s Prince Harry supported his grandmother Queen Elizabeth at a special parade yesterday (28.05.14).

Britain’s Prince Harry supported his grandmother Queen Elizabeth at a special parade yesterday (28.05.14).

The 29-year-old royal joined other members of the royal family, including Princess Anne and Prince Edward, at the prestigious Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall, London, where the 88-year-old monarch was the centre of attention.

Despite the rain, the family were in good spirits and the Queen attended the event with her 92-year-old husband, Prince Philip.

Ahead of the ceremony the couple were driven around the parade in a Bentley, rather than an open-top vehicle, and the prince then saluted at the start of the event, as Harry proudly watched his grandparents from the side.

The Queen smiled as she presented new standards to officers from the Household Cavalry’s Blues and Royals and Life Guards and praised the troops.

She said: ”I have received so many complimentary so many complimentary remarks from visiting Heads of State, who have witnessed the excellence of tour turnout and horsemanship at close quarters.

”A generation of soldiers has now served within the single Regiment while successfully maintaining the traditions and separate identities of the Life Guards and the Blues and Royals.”

According to, she added: ”The values and ethos of the Household Cavalry as a whole are embedded within the fabric of these Standards which are emblazoned with the hard-won honours of the past.”