
Prince Harry’s Lawrence crush

Prince Harry has a crush on Jennifer Lawrence and reportedly wants her to join him at an event in New York.

Prince Harry has a crush on Jennifer Lawrence.

Although the British royal is dating Cressida Bonas, the Oscar-winning actress is reportedly at the top of his wish list to accompany him to a forthcoming event in New York.

A source told America’s OK! magazine: ”He has given his staff a list of Hollywood hotties he wants to attend. Harry has a think for all of them but Jennifer is his number one right now.

”Harry thinks Jennifer is a girl after his own heart, very chill and out for a good time but he is also looking for a serious relationship and is ready to settle down. And the way hes thinking right now he could end up with a Hollywood wife.”

Harry reconciled with Cressida following a split after his headline-grabbing antics in Las Vegas last summer and he is said to be happier than ever with the socialite.

A source said recently: ”Harry’s so happy they’re back together. He’s really into her and they’re always laughing together. They have so much in common and know all the same people. They always have a good time together.”

Harry is not the only one who is happy about the relationship, his family, especially Cressida’s friend Princess Eugenie, are thrilled the romance is back on track.

The source added: ”Everyone’s behind this romance, especially the royals. Prince William wants to see his brother happy and settled. He is relieved to see Harry so smitten. As everyone’s been saying, Cressida will keep him out of trouble.”