
Prince Jackson’s girlfriend bound by confidentiality

Prince Jackson’s girlfriend and her family were asked to sign confidentiality agreements when they first started dating.

Prince Jackson’s girlfriend has been ordered to sign a confidentiality agreement.

The 17-year-old son of late ‘Thriller’ hitmaker Michael Jackson is blissfully happy with Nikita Bess but before they embarked on a relationship, his family’s security team asked her and her relatives to agree not to speak about the teenager.

A source at Prince’s school, The Buckley School, told ”When Prince started dating his girlfriend Nikita Bess last year, 6-7 bodyguards showed up at her house and tried bullying her and her family into signing confidentiality agreements.

”They do it with all of the girls that Prince dates because the family is so secretive!”

It was previously revealed Prince is ”in love” with Nikita and has even given her a promise ring.

A source said: ”He wants to be with her forever and the family adores her.”

And the high school senior – who, along with his sister, Paris, 16, and younger brother Blanket, 12, lives with his grandmother Katherine Jackson and uncle TJ Jackson in Calabasas, California – is said to be very charming towards his fellow pupils.

The source added: ”Prince is a really sweet guy.

”He is helping with the theatre at The Buckley School behind the scenes and bought everyone a flower.”