
Prince William asked to appeal for sausages in China

Britain’s Prince William is being urged to push for a ban on imported processed pork products to be lifted when he visits China in March.

Britain’s Prince William is being urged to help sell sausages to China.

The 32-year-old royal will open the Great Festival of Creativity in Shanghai in March and has been asked to use the opportunity to appeal for the country’s import ban on processed pork products, including sausages, to be overturned.

Peter Hardwick, of the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board, said: ”We would love to sell sausages to China but it’s a long process.”

Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss added: ”There’s big excitement about the duke’s visit.

”This is a big opportunity for us. The Chinese are focused on food safety and I’m pushing for more inspections so we can sell more pork.”

China has recently relaxed its ban to allow non-processed pig products such as pork belly and spare ribs to be imported, and it is estimated if processed foods are allowed in, it could produce a £15 million-a-year filip for farmers in the UK, with one firm claiming they could sell 500,000 sausages a week to the country.

William’s spokesperson said it was ”too early” to discuss what will happen on his visit to China.