
Princess Anne visits Kent Blaxill in Colchester

Princess Anne arrived in Colchester, Essex, yesterday (03.20.14) where she was given a tour of the town’s oldest companies Kent Blaxill, before going on to view the newly renovated castle.

Britain’s Princess Anne visited Kent Blaxill in Colchester yesterday (03.20.14).

The 63-year-old royal stopped by one of the town’s oldest companies in Essex, England, where she was greeted by the managing director

Simon Blaxill, to celebrate its 175th year of trading.

The Princess spent an hour speaking with people at Kent Blaxill, where she met 30 members of staff and long-standing customers.

She was then shown around the premises of the glass and building centre, where she met management and discussed some of the companies glazing projects and their glass cutting skills.

Simon said: ”We were truly honored to have a visit from HRH The Princess Royal. She was extremely friendly with everyone she met and struck up numerous conversations on all manner of topics, as well as taking great interest in the development of Kent Blaxill across the past 175 years.”

Anne then signed the visitors book before going on to visit the Colchester castle, where she was greeted by over a hundred people who had flocked to the historical town to get a glimpse of her.

The Princess spent time looking at the newly-renovated castle, which had been updated as part of a £4.2 million improvement project.

The venue is set to open to the public on May 2.