
Princess Michael of Kent experiencing ‘austere times’

Britain’s Prince and Princess Michael of Kent no longer go out to dinner because they find restaurants ”too extravagant”.

Britain’s Princess Michael of Kent can’t afford to go out to dinner anymore.

The 68-year-old royal and her husband Prince Michael – who live at Kensington Palace in Chelsea, west London – would rather cook for people at their home than go out to a restaurant nowadays because they find eateries ”too extravagant” and are experiencing ”austere times”.

The princess – who has been called Princess Pushy in the past – told The Times newspaper: ”We’ve cut back dramatically.

”I mean we never go out to dinner unless we go to somebody’s house. We never go to restaurants. That’s too extravagant. We invite people here. I cook. Well, if I’m giving a dinner party I get in help.”

In her latest book, ‘The Queen of Four Kingdoms’, she insists the couple live like normal people rather than royalty, and admits they use budget airline easyJet to fly to France and a pooper scooper to clean up their pet pooch’s mess.

She explained: ”I’m a workaholic. I’m a Capricorn, It’s my nature, And I’m convent educated: I sew better than any nanny we’ve ever had. And my father had a farm in Africa. Have you ever taken the insides out of a stag?”