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Pro-Russian terrorist act narrowly avoided in France?

A 26-year-old man of Ukrainian-Russian origin from the predominantly Russian-speaking Donbass region of Ukraine was arrested at Roissy-en-France on Monday. Following an explosion which inflicted serious injuries to his arm and face, he was found to be in possession of a large quantity of explosives, suggesting potentially serious implications.

The explosion, considered accidental, occurred in the suspect’s hotel room, located not far from Charles de Gaulle airport, suggesting that a serious situation was narrowly averted.

Given the importance of the situation, an area was evacuated while authorities investigated the incident. An investigation has been launched into allegations implicating the suspect in a conspiracy to commit violent acts and to illegally possess incendiary or explosive substances.

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Investigations have revealed that the suspect, who has been treated at Gonesse hospital and is currently in police custody, is said to go by the nickname Maksym, a pro-Russian sympathizer who served in the Russian army for two years.

Maksym reportedly denies any terrorist intent and claimed that the explosion was accidental. However, authorities discovered suspicious materials concealed in plastic cases in his hotel room, in addition to fake passports, large sums of money and weapons.

The incident took place against a backdrop of heightened security in France, during the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, an event attended by US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski.

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French authorities are also particularly vigilant with the approach of the 2024 Paris Olympics, alert to any potential terrorist plots or acts.

French law enforcement and intelligence services will certainly be under even greater pressure to investigate any potential threats after this incident, which could have had serious consequences.

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