
Protein fasts are dangerous to your health

Losing weight by going on a protein fast is not very effective and can be dangerous to your health.

A protein fast means consuming only small meals and protein-rich powders or liquids for a total of 800 calories a day. On average, an adult should consume 2,000 calories daily.

In the 1970s, some doctors prescribed protein fasts to treat obese patients who wanted to lose weight quickly. Now a report says this type of diet can be dangerous to one’s health.

There are still many unknowns about this type of diet. It is very easy to find protein powders and use them without medical supervision. This type of regime should always be supervised by a doctor and the medical officer must rigorously follow the patient throughout the process.

The effectiveness of this diet has been called into question. It normally lasts from two to four months. Now some studies have found that 50% of the weight can return one year after the fast.