
Proteins may help prevent premature birth

New research identifies three proteins important in preventing preterm labour.


Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine and Tufts Medical Center discovered that three specific proteins, XIAP, BID, and Bcl-2, help prevent premature labour by slowing apoptosis – the natural death of a cell at the end of its life cycle.

Cells with a longer life contribute to a stronger, thicker fetal membrane – the external sac that protects the fetus during development. Since a rupture in the membrane causes preterm delivery, the  strength and thickness of the sac is an important factor in preventing premature birth.

"Dr. Norwitz’s research adds to our basic understanding of what triggers labour, how the fetal membranes rupture and the role progesterone plays," said Dr. Alan R. Fleischman, medical director of the non-profit organization March of Dimes, which helped to fund the research.

The new research was presented today (February 10) at the meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. The three proteins play an important role in preventing preterm labour by thickening the protective fetal membrane and helping progesterone treatments succeed.