
Prozac helps fight cancer

Prozac and clomipramine offer positive effects against leukemia and lymphoma.

Good news in the battle against cancer. The Leukemia Research Journal reports researchers at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom have found  two very effective new allies.

Prozac, widely used to treat depression, was found to inhibit tumour growth and, according to researchers, can also improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

It’s the fluoxetine contained in Prozac that removes cancerous cells. Tests on humans will soon get underway but laboratory studies found fluoxetine reduced the chances of developing leukemia by 90%.

Clomipramine, another antidepressant, had the same effect as Prozac. Both were found to be very effective against leukemia and lymphoma.

Since these drugs are already known and have passed all safety tests in the past, they could soon be offered for use in cancer treatment if the human testing is successful.