
Queen Eiizabeth is urged not to sign Royal Charter

Seven international press freedom groups are urging the Queen not to sign a Royal Charter to establish a new UK press regulator as it would have a ”chilling” effect on journalism in the UK.

Seven international press freedom groups are urging Queen Elizabeth not to sign a Royal Charter to establish a new UK press regulator.

The groups have written a letter to the British monarch which claims the ”toxic” charter would have a ”chilling” effect on journalism in the UK, changing the face of the 300-year-old free Press.

They believe it is a camouflage for a ”set of repressive statutory controls” and warn that it could be used as an excuse to silence the press in other nations, which would be especially damaging to oppressive country’s which are being ruled by dictators.

In addition, they argue Britain will be not be able to exercise a leadership role supporting human rights during next month’s Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Sri Lanka if the charter is approved.

The royal charter is being backed by all three major political parties in the United Kingdom and the Hacked Off lobby group.

It is due to go before the privy council next week before being signed off by the Queen on October 30 – which is the final stage of a legislative process.