
Queen Elizabeth cuts long-haul trips

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth won’t make any long-haul trips until at least the autumn, Buckingham Palace have confirmed.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth won’t make any long-haul trips for the forseeable future.

The 87-year-old monarch – who was hospitalised with a stomach bug earlier this year – will focus on engagements closer to home until at least the autumn, Buckingham Palace have announced.

A royal spokesperson confirmed the news as the queen traditionally details planned foreign trips in her annual speech, but none were mentioned during her address at the State Opening of Parliament yesterday (05.08.13).

The official said: ”The Queen’s Speech details trips which are booked in the diary up until autumn on behalf of the Government, it is [fair to read from that] that the queen will not be making any until then.”

The news comes days after it was announced her son Prince Charles will attend the Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka in place of the queen for the first time in 40 years.

However, the royal household insist the queen is as busy as ever and played down suggestions health concerns for her or husband Prince Philip have been a factor in the decision.

This month, the monarch has seven visits planned – including to Cornwall and Cambridge with her husband – and in June, there are six engagements scheduled.

Last year – which marked her Diamond Jubilee – the queen carried out 425 public engagements.

Since 1984, she has completed around 15,000 official visits, including trips to far-afield places such as Thailand, Australia and Jordan.