
Queen Elizabeth’s staff wanted Craig pictures

Queen Elizabeth’s staff requested pictures with Daniel Craig when she filmed her Olympics skit and it was one of the reasons she agreed to do the sketch.

Queen Elizabeth’s staff requested pictures with Daniel Craig when she filmed her Olympics skit.

The British monarch asked if her household staff could have their pictures taken with the James Bond actor as a condition of taking part in Danny Boyle’s epic Opening Ceremony at the London 2012 games in which she parachuted out of a plane with the actor’s on-screen alter ego.

The director revealed: ”They are regular human beings, just like us.”

The ‘Trance’ filmmaker added it was momentous to get the queen on board for the segment.

He told Empire magazine: ”The moment in it that is truly surreal is the moment she turns around and you see it is the queen and not a double.

”The most wonderful thing for me is that Craig is such a good actor. There is a shot of him – she walks across and leads him out of the room, and just the look on Craig’s face: ‘I am a fictional spy in service of this queen who is real.’ And it is respectful but slightly, like, ‘Wow!’ ”