
Queen gets its hero worship

Queen is next on the list of legendary bands to get its own version of Guitar Hero.

It appears Queen guitarist Brian May inadvertently let the cat out of the bag during an interview with Swedish news site DN. He mentioned that Queen is getting its own version of Guitar Hero.

Brian May visited Sweden this week as part of a tour to promote the arrival of We Will Rock You, a musical he co-wrote with bandmate Roger Taylor.

He spoke at length about the musical based on the British band’s vast catalogue. He then veered off topic and revealed Guitar Hero: Queen will be released next year and will let fans experience a Queen concert. May seemed to realize he may have spilled too many beans and clammed up.

Activision, the company that pumps out Guitar Hero games, has not commented on this rumour.

If this rumour does indeed pan out, Queen would join other rock legends like Metallica, Aerosmith, Van Halen and Green Day who have already seen the launch of Guitar Hero versions featuring their music.