
Queen invites Duchess Camilla to State Opening of Parliament

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has invited Duchess Camilla to the State Opening of Parliament for the first time, and will also be accompanied in the procession by Prince Philip and Prince Charles.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has invited Duchess Camilla to the State Opening of Parliament for the first time.

The monarch will also be joined in the carriage ride to Parliament on May 8 by her husband Prince Philip and son, Camilla’s husband Prince Charles.

The extended invitation marks the first time since the death of Princess Diana – Charles’ ex-wife – in 1997, the queen will be travelling accompanied.

It has sparked some speculation the move is a sign the monarch – who recently cancelled a string of engagements after falling ill with a stomach bug – will start to transition some of her responsibilities down to her eldest son.

However, royal aides insist there is no significance in Charles and Camilla being invited to the opening of parliament.

One told the Daily Express newspaper: ”It is just that the invitation was extended and on this occasion the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall were able to attend.”

During the queen’s 61-year reign, there have been 21 occasions when members of the royal family apart from Philip have taken part in the procession.

Charles has attended on 16 occasions, while the monarch has also been joined by her late sister Princess Margaret, and daughter Princess Anne and her then-husband Captain Mark Phillips in other years.