Mode et accessoires

Quiksilver Sets Designs on the Ladies

The men’s brand Quiksilver is launching their first collection for women.

Unlike the current trend of creating ready-to-wear fashions for men, Quiksilver has decided to create a clothing line for women, reports FashionMag.

The first collection for women from Quiksilver offers an urban, rock ‘n roll look, with a touch of bohemian romance.  The brand’s goal was not to compete with Roxy, but to create more choices for women.

The Roxy line features sporty items, while Quiksilver offers a look that’s more chic, yet relaxed.

To promote the Quiksilver line for women, the brand has called upon the help of three singer-songwriters, Charlotte O’Connor, Ellie Lawson and Anna Leddra-Chapman.