
Racing around makes you sick

If you are always going full steam ahead and never seem to have enough time, it is a good idea to slow down.

Today’s society drives us to stay on the go. Anything that saves time only gives us another chance to pile on more to do. The result? Burnout, depression, exhaustion, disorders caused primarily by the fact that we are too busy.

According to a study by German sociologist Hartmut Rosa, every way we turn we are being pushed to move faster today. It is even more pronounced in the workplace. "Time is money," Benjamin Franklin said.

People are asked to accomplish more in record time at work and lost time is often made up at home. The work-life balance takes a hit. Dissatisfaction often arises and exhaustion is common.

Many individuals and companies have, however, decided to slow things down and consult, get advice to learn how to set limits in order to regain a more normal rhythm. This, according to experts, will benefit physical and mental health. By trying to go too fast, you always end up hitting a wall, they say.