
Radiohead helps score movie

English rock band contributes experimental sounds to Stone soundtrack.


After a special screening of the new prison film Stone, starring Edward Norton, Robert De Niro and Milla Jovovich, Norton talked to reporters about Radiohead’s contribution to the soundtrack.
"I’m friends with the guys in Radiohead, and Jonny Greenwood, who did the incredible score for Paul Anderson’s There Will Be Blood, met me in London a while back when [director John Curran] and I were developing the script," Norton told Variety .
“So given the spiritual ties in this film, I started talking to him about this idea: ‘What would you use to record this divine-like tuning sound?’ And he and Thom (Yorke) had been playing a lot of weird ambient stuff at the time and so, amazingly, they just unloaded tons and tons of files to us of these sound experiments that they had been doing.” Curran then handed off the sound experiments to the film’s composer John O’Brien to lace the score with them.
Stone is set in a Detroit prison, and opens this Friday, October 8.