
Radiohead launches new album this week

King of Limbs digital version available this month, with hard copy to follow in May.

Typically, artists will release information about upcoming albums in a teasing trickle of information. Being the pioneers that they are, British alternative rock band Radiohead, simply announced today (February 14), that their new album King of Limbs will be on sale digitally this Saturday, February 19, reports Spinner.

Once again, fans can download the album via the band’s website. However, unlike In Rainbows (2007) which was offered in a ‘pay what you want’ format – shaking up the music industry – the new album will sell for $9 U.S. for an MP3 at 320 kbps, or $14 for an uncompressed WAV format.

The band describes the album’s hard copy as the world’s first ‘Newspaper Album’ – but does not explain the term. The King of Limbs vinyl/CD package won’t be available until Monday, May 9 at a price $48 or $53, including shipping, depending on buyer’s choice of digital download format.

The hard copy album package will include:  CD plus two clear 10" vinyl records, along with many large sheets of artwork and 625 tiny pieces of artwork in a biodegradeable plastic container.