
Radiohead Pays Tribute to a War Hero

The band Radiohead recently recorded a song in honour of a World War I soldier.

According to, Radiohead recorded a special song for Harry Patch, the United Kingdom’s final soldier who served in World War I.

The song’s inspiration came when Thom Yorke heard a radio interview with Harry Patch in 2005.  Patch died on July 25, at the age of 111.  Yorke explained, "It would be easy for our generation to forget the true horror of war, without the likes of Harry to remind us. I hope we don’t."

Profits from the song, Harry Patch (In Memory Of), will go to the Royal British Legion. 

Hundreds of people are expected to gather today at Wells Cathedral in Somerset, England for a memorial service for Patch today. 

The tribute song may be downloaded from for less than $2.