
Raising the price of booze

The World Health Organization wants to fight alcoholism in the world.

At the 63rd annual meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) held this week in Switzerland, WHO suggested that its 193-member countries raise the price of alcohol.

This proposal was approved by a large majority of members.

According to the organization, alcohol has killed 2.5 million people worldwide, including 320,000 youth between 15-29 years. The thinking goes that if the price of alcohol increases, it will reduce alcohol abuse.

In a press release, the WHO explains: "The transmission of alcohol marketing messages across national borders and jurisdictions on channels such as satellite television and the Internet, and sponsorship of sports and cultural events is emerging as a serious concern in some countries."

The release goes on to say: "The exposure of children and young people to appealing marketing is of particular concern, as is the targeting of new markets in developing and low and middle income countries with a current low prevalence of alcohol consumption or high abstinence rates."

At the WHO meeting, the organization was strongly criticized for its lack of transparency and mismanagement in the fight against influenza A (H1N1) last winter.