
Real pleasure starts at 50

If life starts at 40, real fun arrives at 50.

It’s been said for a while now that life begins at 40. Now scientists declare that real fun begins when you reach middle age.

At age 50, people don’t generally have worries about building a career, finding a spouse, buying a home and raising children. Important decisions are a thing of the past, people can finally enjoy their life.

Researchers say that everything improves with each decade of our life and happiness grows with age. This is evident from research conducted among 340,000 Americans, men and women, aged 18-85 years. They found that happiness continues to grow, even at age 85.

As we age, it seems that we are more inclined to see the positive side of things and we’re more in touch with our feelings. The fact that seniors are healthier these days is also something that makes a difference.

Dr. Carlo Strenger from the Tel Aviv University in Israel said, "If you make fruitful use of what you have discovered about yourself in the first half of your life, the second half can be the most fulfilling. Most people can anticipate a second life, if not a second career."