
Red Grapes Help Fight Against Diabetes

A drug made from red grapes may help fight against type 2 diabetes.

According to the American Heart Association, the National Institute of Health and the American Diabetes Association, doctors recommend drinking red wine, not only for heart health, but also to combat type 2 diabetes.

Researchers have studied the effects of the drug Resveratrol, which is composed of one of the main ingredients in red grapes and red wine.

They injected the drug into the brains of mice and the results are very promising. However, researchers are still far from injecting Resveratrol into human brains. They also mention that drinking red wine will not significantly change a person’s risk of developing diabetes as the active substance is not present in high enough quantities in wine.

If further results confirm the brain’s role in the disease, then pharmaceutical companies could develop a drug that acts on the brain.

Type 2 diabetes is most prevalent and represents 90 to 95% of diabetics. It is diagnosed later in life, compared to type 1 diabetes (juvenile) which is diagnosed early.