
Red wine helps against certain cancers

A substance found in red wine blocks the development of certain cancers.

The journal Carcinogenesis reveals that red wine may prevent certain types of cancer like leukemia, breast and lung cancer.

French researchers have discovered the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of resveratrol, a substance found in wine red. However, the experts stress that alcohol cannot treat cancer or inflammation.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol that acts on two molecules (microRNAs) that cause inflammation, which also favours the birth of cancer cells.

It’s the presence of these molecules in large quantities in the blood that is associated with the development of various cancers.

The lead author of the study, Norbert Latruffe, commented: "With this, our study could lead to demonstrate the value of the use of resveratrol as an anti-inflammatory agent. If, however, the effect of resveratrol on TGF beta is confirmed, one might envisage doing clinical tests to study it as an adjuvant treatment for cancer, but the road is long."