
Reese Witherspoon hates ‘likeable’ tag

Reese Witherspoon has admitted she hates being ”likeable” because it has affected her acting career.

Reese Witherspoon hates being ”likeable”.

The ‘Water For Elephants’ star dislikes when people brand her in that way because it affects which acting roles she is given.

She told the New York Times newspaper: ”I’ve sat through millions of development meetings where people are like: ‘We don’t want Reese to say profanities. We don’t want her to have sex. We don’t want her to take drugs.’

”I didn’t really feel the constraints of it until about three years ago, where I realised, ‘I’m not this.’ I’m a complex person that has so many different aspects in my personality. But somehow, I have this reductive experience where I’m put into this tiny little box.”

When asked what the box would be, she added: ”Likeable. Can we scrub the likeable box?”

Meanwhile, the 38-year-old actress believes that her character in new film ‘Wild’ is the most likeable of all the roles she’s played.

She said: ”To me, likeable is human, and real, and honest. To me, I find the character in ‘Wild’ much more likeable than a lot of characters I’ve played in comedy. She’s telling the truth.”

However, Reese did previously admit that she found her role in the biographical drama particularly demanding.

She recently explained: ”It’s the hardest I’ve ever done for many different reasons. The physicality was really difficult, but after that was the emotional part of it.

”The sex scenes were the hardest thing for me to do. I’ve never had to do anything like that in my entire life. I had to do all the parts of the movie, the parts that made me feel uncomfortable too, because it is about emotional honesty.”