
Ricky Gervais is a ‘failed pop star’

Ricky Gervais says he’s a ”failed pop star” and although he isn’t the best dancer he tries to sneak a few moves into his projects whenever he gets a chance.

Ricky Gervais is a ”failed pop star”.

The British comic – who released a number of singles in the early 1980s as a member of duo Seona Dancing and has also toured with a band as his ‘Office’ character David Brent under the name ‘Foregone Conclusion’ – can be seen singing and dancing in his new movie ‘Muppets Most Wanted’, and although he isn’t the best mover he embraces the opportunity to show off his skills whenever he can, especially the shuffle, known as the ”white man overbite”.

He told ShortList magazine: ”I’m a failed pop star. I always try to sneak it [song and dance] in , whether it’s ‘The Simpsons’, with Elmo, or David Bowie.

”But dancing – wow, that’s awkward. I embrace the whole white man overbite – that’s what I do anyway.”

The 52-year-old funnyman insists other stars including Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, Tom Hiddleston and James McAvoy make an appearance in the new ‘Muppets’ film to show they’ve got a sense of humor and don’t want to portray themselves as serious all the time.

He added: ”I think actors and pop stars with a certain image want to go ‘I’ve got a sense of humor. I laugh at myself. Look! I’m not really like that. If I was like that I wouldn’t do it!’

”But sometimes they just want to go and have fun.

”If you’re Lady Gaga and you have got 30 people doing anything you want, sometimes you want someone to say your hair looks funny.

”I think these people know they live in a strange, rarefied world, so they go ‘Look, I laugh, I fall over’. I could be totally wrong.”