
Rihanna asked to donate fur coats to Syrian refugees

The animal charity People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have sent a letter to Rihanna asking her to donate her fur coats to Syrian refugees.

Rihanna has been asked to donate her fur coats to Syrian refugees by an animal charity.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent a letter to the ‘Disturbia’ singer criticising her for wearing a calf-length Christian Dior fur coat at the Dior Cruise 2018 fashion show and pleaded with her to give up her fur coats and donate them to people who need it such as Syrian refugees.

PETA spokesman Andrew Bernstein said in the letter: "We saw the numerous comments from fans who were disappointed to see you wearing fur at the Dior event last week. Like us they wish you would please retire your furs and instead choose a look that kills but doesn’t actually kill anyone.

"In addition we’d like to request that you please consider donating your furs to us. Every fur item causes a tremendous amount of pain and suffering to the foxes, minks and coyotes who are beaten, electrocuted, gassed and often skinned alive by the fur industry – and fur production takes a toll on humans as well.

"In the past we’ve sent furs to Syrian refugees and to homeless shelters which has an impact on ‘as many lives as possible in a positive way’ as you said so eloquently in your Harvard Humanitarian Award acceptance speech."

In 2015, PETA sent around 100 fur coats to Syrian refugees living in the "Calais Jungle" in France.

In a statement at the time, PETA said: "PETA is calling out on fur-wearers to clear their consciences and donate their coats for that desperately cold refugees – the only people with any excuse to wear fur – will stay warm this winter."

Rihanna is reported to not have responded to PETA’s request by the time of writing.