
Rihanna sings her story

The singer reveals she wrote a song about her ex, Chris Brown.

Singer Rihanna admits that one of the songs on her new album is about her former boyfriend. She thinks the song explains everything she has not said publicly these past months.

The star broke things off with the singer after he viciously attacked her. He was charged with assault and pleaded guilty. He is currently doing community service.

Several months later, Rihanna finally gave her side of the story during a round of television interviews. She revealed that creating the album, Rated R, was cathartic and helped her get rid of unresolved emotions about the break up.

She now admits that Cold Case Love, a collaboration with Justin Timberlake, refers to her fight with Chris Brown.

She says, "It’s a song that everybody wanted to hear, everything that I didn’t say for the past eight months, exactly how I felt about that relationship and how I feel about it now – that song says it all."

There are rumours Rihanna is now dating baseball player Matt Kemp. He fuelled those rumours last weekend by organizing a surprise birthday party for her last weekend.