
Robert Altman Dies at 81

Director Robert Altman died Monday evening at the age of 81.

According to the Associated Press, celebrity Robert Altman died Monday at a Los Angeles hospital.  Altman’s filmography included M-A-S-H, Nashville and The Player.

This unfortunate announcement was confirmed by Joshua Astrachan, producer of the Altman Sandcastle company.  The exact cause of death has not been revealed.  In 2006, Altman received an honourable award at the Oscars for all of his achievements.

Altman had expressed, "I’m very fortunate in my career. I’ve never had to direct a film I didn’t choose or develop. My love for filmmaking has given me an entree to the world and to the human condition."

In the spring his final film, A Prairie Home Companion, will be in theatres.  The director was known for his criticism of Hollywood, and the drinking problem which he overcame.  Robert Altman had five children, from five different relationships.  At the Oscars last year, Altman revealed that he was living thanks to a heart transplant.