
Robert Downey Jr: Fatherhood is ‘terrifying’

Robert Downey Jr has confessed he is ”exhausted” by and terrified of his two-year-old son Exton – who recently started walking and learnt to climb.

Robert Downey Jr finds fatherhood ”terrifying”.

The 49-year-old actor – who has a two-year-old son, Exton, with his pregnant wife Susan – has confessed to being ”exhausted” by the tot and found it scary when the toddler learnt to walk and climb.

He told Access Hollywood: ”Yeah, he just wants to sling open drawers and grab knives.

”It’s really not stressful at all! When he first started walking, it was kind of like, alright, this is a little bit exhausting and terrifying, and then he kind of smoothed out and now he can climb things.”

The ‘Iron Man’ star’s worries seem to stem from an accident he had as a youngster which landed him in the doctor’s surgery.

He explained: ”I just remember when I was 2 or 3 or 4 years old, I found my way to the top of the refrigerator and I hung out there, that was like my spot until I lost my footing and banged my head on the radiator.

”I remember some doctors squeezing my head… I don’t want him to fall off the refrigerator.”

Robert – who is expecting a baby girl with his wife in November – also revealed he is excited to get to know his little girl and is curious about her personality.

He said: ”It should be great. I wonder [what] a little girl Downey will be like. I’m sure she’ll let us know.”