
Ronnie Wood: Music is like drugs

Ronnie Wood thinks music gives people the same "good feeling" that taking drugs does.

Ronnie Wood says making music is like taking drugs.

The Rolling Stones guitarist – who has endured several stints in rehab – thinks listening or performing evokes the same "good feeling" that illegal substances give a person.

Asked why teenagers should see his band for the first time, he said: "Hopefully they’ll get the same kick I got when I was a teenager. It’s only music after all.

"And it’s only a good feeling. And if you can’t get behind a good feeling then there’s something wrong with you. You want to feel good and, if you don’t take drugs, take music. And if you want to get high, go on stage! You don’t need anything else."

Ronnie thinks the band are also like a drug for older fans who are attending their 50th anniversary gigs – which take place in London and New Jersey later this month and in December – because it means they can get "their fix".

He added in an interview with The Sun newspaper: "They come back for more ‘cos its like a fix. Their grandparents and their kids and their kids’ kids and their kids’ kids’ kids, they all get the same fix, hopefully in different ways."