
Rumours of a U2 Benefit Concert

The Irish group U2 May be doing a benefit concert on January 22 to aid the victims of the tsunami in South East Asia.

CARDIFF’s MILLENNIUM STADIUM could be hosting a huge concert on January 22 to raise over £1million for the Asian tsunami disaster appeal. 

London reports speculate that many well known artists from Britain will be involved in this event.

Stadium manager Paul Sergeant said: "It’s going to be tight. The pitch comes back into the stadium on the 24th (January). We won’t be able to stage anything after that until the summer."

According to BBC News, he stated, "We would like to do something to help the disaster effort because we have got in Wales the biggest indoor venue in Europe. The public response to the disaster has been incredible and we would very much like to put our weight behind those efforts and raise another £1m or more."