
Russell Crowe digs 50 trees by hand

Russell Crowe decided to dig up 50 trees by hand using a shovel and a pickaxe over the weekend and said it was a "great work out".

Russell Crowe has dug up 50 trees by hand.

The ‘Les Miserables’ actor took on the mammoth task of digging trenches for his Plane Trees for drainage without the use of machinery at his home in Coffs Harbour, Australia, and insisted the heavy gardening work was a great workout.

He wrote on his Twitter page: "1 hour and 20 mins pick and shovel digging trenches around Plane trees prepping them for mulch, holy s**t great work out, 2 down 48 to go ! (sic)"

In a later update, however, the 49-year-old star appeared to be regretting his decision to garden unaided, tweeting: "2 hrs on the pick and shovel, 8 more trees. 40 to go … getting that bitten off more than I can chew feeling (sic)"

Explaining the reason for his digging marathon, the ‘Gladiator’ star said he was getting rid of surrounding kikuyu grass – which is often considered to be a toxic weed – to help his trees grow.

He clarified: "Not planting , digging up kikuyu roots, turning and shaping soil at the base, digging circular drainage ditches, prep for mulch – Plane Trees (sic)"

When asked why he didn’t use a motorised digger to aid him, Russell said: "Because its’ not as much fun (sic)".

However, upon consideration he conceded: "No doubt, I’ll probably be wishing one was around by mid morning (sic)"