
Saccharin no longer considered unsafe

Artificial sweetener once believed to be possible carcinogen.

After analyzing thirty different studies about its effects on humans, researchers have found no link between saccharin and the development of cancer.

Saccharin, an artificial sweetener, is 300 times sweeter than sucrose or sugar, and is typically found in diet soft drinks, juices, sweets, and chewing gum. Also found in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, the U.S. government has withdrawn the no-calorie artificial sweetener from its list of toxic products.

The Environmental Protection Agency says that saccharin has no adverse effect on human health. The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the National Toxicology Program also feel the same way. Even the World Health Organization says that this product is safe.

In Canada, Health Canada conducted its own analysis and reached similar conclusions: that the resulting bladder cancer in rats was in no way applicable to humans.