
Sade has to be ‘cut off’ to write

Sade has to be "cut off" to write new songs, which explains her band’s slow work rate.

Sade has to be "cut off" to write new songs.

The singer, full name Sade Adu, and her band are meticulous in making their records, only releasing three in the last 20 years, and while she would love to release albums more frequently, she needs a lot of space and time to write new tracks.

She told "I’d like it to be sooner and I always think that. It’s not like I go off of music or I go off the feel of it, but there’s a lot to it.

"I can’t work unless I go and I have to find the right moment to cut off. I’m not someone who can just sit in the middle of chaos of my life and write songs. I have to go away somewhere and cut off. I would love to make an album soon, but it just doesn’t happen that way."

Nigerian born Sade admitted she frequently gets approached by people who ask her when they will make another album, but she never really knows how to answer.

She added: "Always in the queue at the petrol station. The gas station. I’m always being asked it, and I’ll always say ‘it’s tomorrow’ and they all think I’m a liar because I always imagine it’s going to be much sooner than it is. But then my life just gets in the way. I’m always asked that question. Like I said, I’m Nigerian. I’m always late."

Sade’s last album, ‘Solider of Love’ was released in 2010.