
Salt content of deli meats is a risk factor for colon cancer

Sodium in lunchmeats can increase chances of developing colon cancer.


Yet again, the accusating finger points towards deli meats. During the process for transforming these meats, they are substantially changed by the addition of salt, nitrites and artificial colourings, extras that can promote the increase of precancerous lesions in the colon.

According to a study by researchers at the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) in Toulouse that examined the relationship between consumption of cured meats and cancer, a combination of four factors were found that  encourage the emergence of the disease.

The added colorings, added nitrites, the cooking process and oxidation are factors significantly increase the risk of colon cancer.

For example, in ham, the transformation of the heme (a molecule at the origin of red meat) increases the occurrence of carcinogens during manufacturing.

It is believed that this discovery could lead to the establishment of new manufacturing processes and new strategies for prevention of colon cancer.