
Samuel L. Jackson considered auditioning for Star Wars VII

Samuel L. Jackson admits he considered auditioning for a role in ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ he hasn’t been approached by Director, JJ Abrams, for a part.

Samuel L. Jackson considered auditioning for ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’

The 64-year-old actor – who played the role of Mace Windu in a number of other ‘Star Wars’ movies – admits he almost considered turning up to the auditions, which are currently being held throughout the UK and US, to try out a role.

Speaking on ‘The Late Show with David Letterman last night (13.11.13), he said: ”I heard on television that they were auditioning people for ‘Star Wars’ and I said, ‘well maybe we should just go to the auditions and see if we can get a job!”’

The ‘Django Unchained’ star claims neither him or his former co-stars Mark Hamill and Ewan McGregor have been approached by director JJ. Abrams for a part in the next installment.

He explained: ”I pretty much hinted to JJ that I wanted to be in the film at George Lewis’ wedding and he was kind of like ‘mm’ [nodding], that was about the most I got out of him.

”So maybe all three of us could just get together and go over to the star wars set one day and just kind of stand around and see if maybe they could use some old Jedi.”