
Samuel L. Jackson wanted Star Wars return

Samuel L. Jackson admits he would ”have loved” to have been involved in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ having played Jedi Master Mace Windu in the three prequel films.

Samuel L. Jackson is gutted he wasn’t asked to appear in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’.

The ‘Hateful Eight’ actor was disappointed not to be asked to return to the franchise after playing Jedi Master Mace Windu in the three prequel films and insisted just because it seemed as though his character had died, they still could’ve brought him back.

‘Episode VII’ will feature original trilogy stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew among others, and Jackson would have loved to have worked with those actors.

He said: ”I would have loved to have been there. He (director J.J. Abrams) brought everyone else back, so why didn’t he bring me back? It’s not like the public didn’t cry out for it or speak out on Twitter, everybody knew who everybody was and who’s going back. Some of us wanted to go back and some of us don’t. I love the franchise, I love the fact that it’s there and people still love it. And I love the fact that people love the fact that I was in it. I’m like everybody else. You know there’s a lot of one-handed or mechanical-handed Jedi in all these ‘Star Wars’ things. So, what, he cut off my hand and I fell out of the window. It doesn’t mean I died.”

The prequel trilogy was criticised by some fans and reviewers but Jackson, 66, will always defend them and insists they served ”their purpose” in the sci-fi franchise’s history.

Speaking to GQ magazine, he said: ”I thought they were fine … They serve their purpose. ‘Episode I’ is a kiddy movie. Everyone hates Jar Jar Binks, but if you asked any kid which character is their favourite, they would say Jar Jar Binks. As for the other films, people say that George (Lucas) didn’t know how to tell a story, but he didn’t know how to tell a story to the tune of $30 billion. If you can make that much money you should go out there and do it and everyone else should shut the f**k up. It’s just that simple.”