
Sandra Bullock Gives to Haiti

Sandra Bullock made a generous donation to help the people of Haiti.

Bullock gave one million dollars to the victims of last week’s earthquake in Haiti, reports Us magazine.
Her donation was given to Doctors Without Borders to help cover the expenses of their current operations in Port-au-Prince.  In the city, three of the organisation’s existing facilities were damaged during the quake, which measured 7.0 on the Richter Scale last Tuesday (January 12).
"I wanted to ensure that my donation would be used immediately to meet the needs of the Haitian people affected by this catastrophic event," said Bullock.
The death toll seems impossible to establish just days after the quake, though most are saying that the number is currently around 70,000.
At last night’s Golden Globes ceremony, several celebrities mentioned the tragedy in Haiti, and asked the world to make donations to help the survivors.
Hollywood supercouple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have also come to the aid of Haiti, offering one million dollars to the same organisation as Bullock.
George Clooney is organising a telethon to be held on Friday (January 22) on the MTV network.  The actor has tried to convince all of his friends to take part in the fundraiser.