
Say bye bye baby

Mel Gibson could lose the right to see his 8-month old daughter.

Lawyers for Mel Gibson’s baby mama are going to court today (July 15). They want a judge to ban Gibson from having contact with his 8-month old daughter, Lucia. They will ask the judge to remove the actor’s parental rights because he is a danger to the baby.

Oksana Grigorieva tells a harrowing tale of violence at the hands of Mel Gibson. Mel Gibson is being investigated by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for domestic abuse and child endangerment. She alleges he hit her while she was holding the baby.

A source told "Oksana claims that after Mel hit her, she escaped outside and ran barefooted to the outdoor area at the home, near the pool."

The situation continued to deteriorate, according to the source: "Oksana said she was panicked and while searching for the keys, Mel came up to her and said, ‘I will show you how to get out of here fast,’ which she interpreted to be a death threat."

Grigorieva says Mel Gibson broke her teeth and threatened her with a bat. There are reports her dentist handed over her dental records to aid the investigation and will testify on her behalf.