
Scarlett Johansson can be controlling

Scarlett Johansson, who recently got engaged to French journalist Romain Dauriac, admits she can be controlling in relationships.

Scarlett Johansson admits she can be controlling in a relationship.

The 28-year-old actress – who recently got engaged to French journalist Romain Dauriac – says she has been known to try and change her partner’s ways and make them comply to her every wish.

She confessed to LOOK magazine: ”I think we’re all guilty of wanting to put our partner in a little box that we have for them, and thinking they should become more like us.

”That would make everything so much easier! You know, for them to do everything you want to do … Something I don’t like about myself is my impatience. And I’m also slightly controlling.”

Scarlett – who was previously married to Ryan Reynolds – revealed she has learnt to compromise since her divorce and become more accepting of her partner’s character quirks.

The ‘Don Jon’ star said: ”As you grow up, you realise you can learn through the other persona and compromise with him. We all hold our partner or our imaginary partner up to these standards, which are sort of impossible to fulfil.

”It would be much easier if the people we fell in love with behaved the way we wanted them to. But I’ve learned over time that that’s what makes life interesting … I think you have to be confident deep within yourself to have a successful marriage.”