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Science meets science fiction in Montreal

Star Wars Identities exhibit debuts at Montreal Science Centre next April.

A new touring exhibit blending real science and science fiction to examine the theme of defining one’s self, Star Wars Identities will have its world debut at the Montreal Science Centre on April 19, 2012, reports the Montreal Gazette.

Using the blockbuster franchise as a framing device, visitors will explore various themes of self-identity – including genetics, family, friends and careers – as they travel through the exhibit’s three zones: the origins, shaping influences and life decisions of the movie’s main characters.

"That quest for a sense of self is at the heart of the exhibit," explained exhibit manager Kyra Bowling. "The biology and genetics, the nurture and cultural influences, it all affects who we are. But, in the end, no matter what hand you are dealt, who you are is shaped by the choices you make."

Along with film clips, drawings and over 200 objects, the immersive exhibit will include a number of interactive elements. To make the show more personal, each visitor will be given a special bracelet to wear during their journey through the exhibit; the bracelet will record their answers to various questions and present them with their own fictional Star Wars-themed alter ego at the end.

Following the Montreal run, the exhibit will tour North America.