Pets Files

Seasonal Stress Busters for Your Pets

If you’re contemplating the annual family get-together with a mixture of pleasure and panic, you’re not alone. Your pets could well be planning the quickest routes to their safe havens far from the maddening crowd.

To help things to run smoothly, keep the following tactics in mind to nip trouble in the bud.

Twelve Pet Tactics for Christmas
Here we come a-carolling …
1. Christmas generally means more guests than usual, and a general air of excitement that can leave people a little more carefree (and careless) than usual. With so many people going in and out, the chance of your pet getting out of the house is greatly increased during the holidays. As always, it’s important to make sure your animal has proper identification tags on at all times.
2. Anticipate your guests’ arrivals and confine your dog to prevent it from escaping or greeting your guest’s holiday fashions with an unwanted jump and big sloppy kiss.
3. Find a safe haven in your home where your pet can seclude itself when the house gets busy. Like you, your pets can become stressed by the crowds and noise at big family gatherings, and will appreciate the chance to be alone for a while.
Beautifully wrapped presents under the tree
4. Remember to keep your pets away from gift packages as well as your gift wrapping area. Ingested string, plastic, cloth and even wrapping paper can lead to intestinal blockage and require surgical removal. And pets have been severely injured by scissors and other items left on floors and tables.
5. You’re not the only one looking under the tree with curiosity. If you don’t know what’s in a package, don’t leave it under the tree! Granny’s annual box of chocolates is toxic to Marmaduke and Sylvester.
6. Put children’s toys away after they are opened. Ingested toys can cause choking and may have to be removed through surgery.
7. Ensure that any treats in Christmas stockings, or on the tree, are out of your pet’s reach, and away from dangerous places, such as the fireplace.
Regular Routine
8. Reduce stress by maintaining a regular feeding and exercise schedule.  Some owners get lax about walking their dogs, and resort to letting pets out on their own. Don’t take a holiday from responsible pet care.
Sweet (or savoury) indulgences
9. Tell guests not to share food with your pet. Many holiday foods, including fatty meats, gravies, poultry skin, bones, chocolate and alcohol can cause illnesses. In addition, candy wrappers, aluminum foil pieces and ribbons can choke pets.
10.Table scraps and leftovers aren’t just too rich for your pets, bones in the meat could lead to serious complications or death.
11. If you’re entertaining, consider isolating your pets from the noise and activity especially at mealtime. If they’re mingling among the guests, make sure they aren’t sampling your guests’ holiday finger foods!
12. If you feel like you have to give pets a special treat at Christmas, enhance their regular diet by giving them the canned version instead of dry.
And while you and your beloved pets share a safe, loving holiday, remember the less fortunate. Nationwide, millions of pets will be homeless. Your local shelter animals will welcome a visit from a Secret Santa bringing toys, treats, and especially love and attention.