
Selena Gomez crowned most followed celebrity on Instagram

Selena Gomez has been crowned the most followed celebrity on Instagram of 2016 with a whopping 103 million followers.

Selena Gomez has been crowned the most followed celebrity on Instagram of 2016.

The 24-year-old singer has climbed to the top of the leaderboard on photo sharing website with a whopping 103 million followers, and has left a clear 9.1 million lead between herself and second place – which goes to fellow musician Taylor Swift and her 93.9 million followers.

The top five is rounded out by Ariana Grande with 90.2 million, Beyonc̩ who has attracted 89.2 million people to her page, and Kim Kardashian West who Рdespite having not posted anything on the site since she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris in October Рhas a following of 88.2 million users.

And it isn’t just the follower count that the ‘Hands to Myself’ hitmaker has dominated, as she has also managed to find herself on an impressive eight of the top ten most liked photos of 2016.

Taking the number one spot for the most liked photo was a picture posted in July which featured the brunette beauty drinking from a bottle of Coca-Cola with the lyrics to her song ‘Me & The Rhythm’ written on it as part of an advertising campaign.

The photo was captioned: "When your lyrics are on the bottle #ad (sic)"

The only two photos that make the top ten that weren’t posted by Selena were spots six and nine, which both went to hunky footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

However, retaining the top spot for 2017 might be difficult for the ‘Same Old Love’ singer, as she recently "took 90 days off" from using her phone completely, and enjoyed the time away from technology so much that she is still restricting its use.

She said: "I recently took 90 days off. During that time I did not have my cellphone. It was the most refreshing, calming, rejuvenating feeling. Now I rarely pick up my phone, and only limited people have access to me."

Meanwhile Selena – who admitted herself to rehab earlier this year in order to treat the mental illness that was brought on as a result of her battle with autoimmune disease lupus – also topped the list of most followers gained this year.