
Sharon Stone Gets Slapped with a Colossal Lawsuit

American actress Sharon Stone is being sued for more than a billion dollars by victims of an earthquake in China.

New York attorney Ming Hai was outraged by a statement actress Sharon Stone made during the Cannes Film Festival, and is suing the Basic Instinct star for over a billion dollars.

Last May, the 50-year-old actress attempted to explain the stroke of bad luck the victims of the earthquake in China underwent by saying that they had "bad karma."  Subsequently, she provoked anger in several Chinese people involved in the disaster, by linking the earthquake’s 67 000 affected victims to the country’s treatment of Tibetans.

The star apologised for her statements, however the New York lawyer was dissatisfied and rallied 1 000 survivors from the quake to sue the actress.

Attorney Ming Hai stated, "For the families who have lost their loved ones or lost limbs or suffered severe injuries, your… statement and act has caused extreme emotional distress."

As a result of what the actress said, China has banned all of her films in the country.  Also, Christian Dior has dropped all of the ad campaigns featuring the star.