
Shenae Grimes Is Perfectly Healthy

Shenea Grimes, who stars in 90210, insists that she does not have anorexia.

Grimes has had enough of hearing rumours that she is suffering from an eating disorder, and has asked the media to look at how healthy she actually is.

"Nobody has asked me about it. I really can’t help what someone thinks of me because they are reading a paper and choosing to believe it," the 19-year-old actress told People.

Grimes is mad that the tabloids report that she’s too thin, difficult to work with on the set of 90210, and parties too much.  Her frustration comes from knowing that no reporters have even talked to her before writing the news.  Grimes added, "Meet me in person, and you can’t say anything. No bones sticking out. This is me, this is my body – I have accepted it."