
Sheryl Crow Wants What Her Parents Have

Singer Sheryl Crow recently revealed that she wants to have a long and happy marriage just like her parents.

Best known for her musical talents and contributions to the Hollywood projects Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) and Erin Brockovich (2000), Crow now says that she will remain single until she’s sure to have a relationship like her parents.

At the moment, the singer is involved with an unknown film director.  Earlier this year, Crow split with her fiance, cyclist Lance Armstrong.  The star now says, "I’m ready for the quintessential forever relationship… I do believe love is the most important thing."

She added, "I’ve had a good model: my mom and dad have been married for 51 years. Not every day was a euphoric, honeymoon-like experience, but they stuck with it and worked through things."

"I want a man who’s my best friend. I want someone who knows himself very well – and that can be challenging to find.  I want a man who’s a man – who’s asked all the right questions in life, but is also OK with his insecurities. Having a good sense of humour is imperative."