
Shia LaBeouf: Baldwin could’ve had me fired

Shia LaBeouf thinks Alec Baldwin may have got him fired from ‘Orphans’ after admitting they didn’t connect as "men".

Shia LaBeouf thinks Alec Baldwin may have got him fired from ‘Orphans’.

The ‘Transformers’ actor exited the Broadway play due to "creative differences" weeks before it was due to open, and after admitting he and his would-be co-star didn’t connect as "men", he acknowledged the ’30 Rock’ star could have been instrumental in his departure from the production.

He told TV talk show host David Letterman: "I’m pretty passionate and impulsive, and he’s a very passionate individual as well. And I think that impulsiveness and that passion makes for, ya know, some fireworks.

"Me and Alec had tension as men. Not as artists but as men."

The host then suggested: "Alec went to the producers and said, ‘I can’t take it another day. Fire him,’ " prompting his guest to reply: "I think that might’ve been what happened."

Despite the tensions between them, Shia – who was seated on the front row for the first night of ‘Orphans’ – went on to praise Alec as "awesome".

Alec recently suggested the ‘Lawless’ star isn’t a true theatre actor and wouldn’t have coped with the demands of a stage production.

Referring to one of Shia’s tweets which read "The theater belongs not to the great but to the brash", Alec said: "I can tell you that, in all honesty, I don’t think he’s in a good position to be giving interpretations of what the theater is and what the theater isn’t.

"I mean, he was never in the theatre. He came into a rehearsal room for six or seven days.

"There are people who are film actors who have a great legacy in the theater. Some of the greatest movie stars had really serious theater careers and still do. And many film actors, though, who are purely film actors, they’re kind of like celebrity chefs, you know what I mean? You hand them the ingredients, and they whip it up, and they cook it, and they put it on a plate, and they want a round of applause."